The group gathers and heads to the Chatuchak Market and Khao San Road
The majority of the group arrived this morning and the rest of us were still suffering from lack of sleep. However the excitement carried us on and we traveled to Chatuchak Market.
We all piled to in three different Tuk Tuks and headed off, however after a block or two we all headed in different directions. I feared the destination and soon the fare broke down in translation and we would not see each other again until tomorrow’s ferry ride to Koh Samui. Chatuchak Market is the size of five football fields and packed with people. I’m not sure if the Tuk Tuk drivers worked this out, if it was just the common place to stop, or just dumb luck, but we all ended up at the same place and within minutes of each other at the Market.
Once you got inside it was like a maze and like Starbucks in Seattle it seemed like every fifth store carried the same merchandise.
The market in a way was also like our malls, complete with a bar which we stopped at to have a beer and a quick toast now that we were all together even though it was only 10am, but then most of us were on US time so it felt like happy hour anyway.
They even had a food court.
And a side show, this little person did the same trick we did in grade school, see how long you can hold your hand above a candle flame before it hurts.
After a few hours of wondering around we headed back to Shanti Lodge for a late lunch. Most of the group was going to try and get over to the Grand Palace and a temple or two before they closed while I decided to check out the area around Shanti Lodge having seen all that the day before. The waters at the ferry dock were filled with fish, literally.
There was another market nearby that I went to check out, on the way I passed this merchant having another tough day at the office, where do I get a job like this?
I think he also lived in these condos by the river.
The local market was not as impressive but it was still interesting to see all the things we would consider quite strange but is just part of the menu in this area.<
We regrouped back at the Shanti Lodge and headed to Khao San Road to see the sights and grab some diner. This place was pretty crazy, whatever you wanted you could pretty much find. I only had my camera phone with me which was the worst 2 megapixel camera in the world, so sorry for the poor quality. I also had my first Thai pancake here (the food) and found myself eating these at every chance I got on the rest of the trip.
It was time to end the evening with one last Thai pancake.
I was another amazing day that I could not have imagined. We headed back to the hostel for some sleep, a cold shower, and a 4am departure to the airport to fly from Bangkok to Koh Samui.